Further Reading

Monday 29 June 2020

Insight Into 2020 - 'CV19 Was Experienced In November 2019 & The Magic Number of 29'

And this crazy, mad, macabre medicine tyrannical madness continues! The magic number tonight is just 29 ... but remember, weekend figures tend to be low and Tuesday is catch up day.

But even so ...

The fearmongering by the MSM and a percentage of the population is in full force. There is a total panic about getting Covid-19, like it's going to kill you if you get it . Hardly. Even if the official figure is correct (And its not) that would be 45,000 out of 66 MILLION people. A very very low risk of it being fatal. And they say its those with underlying health conditions that it will add to the official statistics.

Shitty Whitty and his Sage death cult have everyone dashing for cover in their social conditioned hell. Next week forced to wear masks that supposedly help to rebate the CV19 bacteria. Again, hardly. The particle size of the CV19 is much smaller than the gaps in the mask fabric ... meaning, masks are not protection ...

It's all dangerously over-exaggerated! Take it from someone with concerning underlying health conditions who 'contracted' Covid-19 before ever it was known Covid-19 was out there. Back in November ... a sudden illness with ALL the classic Covid-19 symptoms ... serious headache, high temperature, new cough, breathing issues, no energy and serious aches and pains ... nearly passing out on board plane between Dubai and Auckland. An awful four or five days in Wellington. Back then it was attributed to food poisoning as Covid-19 wasn't in the public arena then. And the clincher, a recurring and unshakeable cough since November. Yes, it was bad, but it cleared ....

So, from experience, Covid-19 is unpleasant but not scary. With the numerous health issues dealt with on a daily basis, this pandemic should make life a truly fearful experience. It doesn't! It is a frustrating one to see all the scared sheep buying the Sage and MSM bullshit.

29 deaths is barely a reason to threaten to lockdown Leicester and to let the MSM still pump out their lies and fearmongering.