Further Reading

Thursday 25 June 2020

Insight Into 2020 - 'One More Magic Number From Sage'

The Evil Whitty and his Eugenicist Gang of merry doom and gloom mongers at Sage have come up with the magic number 149 tonight.

Another meaningless number added to their meaningless, but very macabre, death graph ... to continue reinforcing the deadly nature of Covid-19.

It's only at the same percentage as seasonal flu ... and that's with the tampering and corrupt way they are recording these fatalities.

But the end is greater than the means for these demonised beings. They may look human (Well, except for Whitty, who looks like something out of a scary cartoon) but they sure ain't acting human ...

Tomorrow night, Friday night, we reckon the magic number will be around the 120 - 135 mark. They kept it in the 400's for ages, then slipped it into the 300;s for ages ... and now they will be reluctant to go less than 100.

They will have one eye on the date they've set for pretending the 2nd wave is upon us. It's all bullshit whatever they do.