Further Reading

Wednesday 24 June 2020

Insight Into 2020 - Tonight's MAGIC Number is 154!

And the magic number from the Sage Random Number Generator is .... 154!

154 is added by these morbid, macabre and doom merchants, to their pretty chart ... red lines indicate the daily 'covid-19' deaths (In reality anyone that has Covid-19 added to their death certificate as the cause, when in truth it was the underlying health condition that was the cause) ... and the light blue is their 'rolling daily average'. It's a sham ....

So, Shitty Whitty and Co, how many of these '154' actually had no underlying health condition?? And, how many had taken the dangerous Flu vaccination during the year? There is a clear correlation ... those that have taken the jab had a dangerous flu strain injected into them ... but we are not supposed to know about that.

And the corrupt psychopathic advisors in Sage are keeping the UK population under strict socialistic control, medical martial law basically. All in line with the 'script' that is elsewhere in the world. They are trying to fool us there is no vaccine yet. There is. There always has been. All this lockdown bollocks is delay, delay and further delay.

Here in the UK we'll just about get to Level 2 and have lockdown eased, when THE FABLED 2ND WAVE will arrive and we'll go to level 5 ... then start this shit all again. But next time they will hit us with the mandatory vaccine sting. Hoping the gullible sheep will ASK for their kill switch vaccine. It's sick really!