Further Reading

Saturday 27 June 2020

May All Be Revealed

[Waking Times]: Human life is confusing. A human’s purpose in life is to make it less so.

The healthiest desire a human can have is for confusion and obfuscation to be replaced with clear seeing. This means wanting the truth to be revealed, whether it be for matters as large as the global-scale agendas of secretive power structures, or matters as small as the delusion-based mental habits hidden in your own subconscious. For the lover of truth, it’s all the same desire.

The world’s healthiest people want all truth to be revealed no matter how inconvenient it might be. In themselves, in their relationships, in their community, and in their world. They want government documents leaked, they want whistleblowers exposing the malfeasance of corporations, they want dynamics of abuse seen and recognized, and they want unconscious conditioning patterns made conscious and healed.

The world’s sickest people want truth to be hidden wherever it’s inconvenient. In themselves, in their relationships, in their community, and in their world. They want governments and corporations to become more opaque and for the whistleblowers and journalists who expose them to be punished, they want abusive dynamics to remain hidden behind a veil of narrative control, and they want unconscious conditioning patterns to remain as unconscious as possible.

“May all be revealed.” This is the most sacred desire of every true revolutionary. Of every sincere political activist. Of every honest conspiracy analyst. Of every authentic seeker of enlightenment. Of every real psychonaut. They all want the truth, on truth’s terms, come what may....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...