Further Reading

Tuesday 23 June 2020

Seeing With New Eyes

[Waking Times]: Explosive and disorientating times are the ‘new normal’ it would seem. The plug on the old age energy has been pulled and Earth has become an open air lunatic asylum. As Uranus the planet of dramatic change continues its transit through Taurus, dark understandings about our world are coming into focus. The satanic scum that has remained hidden for hundreds of years is rising to the surface for those that have eyes to see.

What appears to be random events for dramatic change in our world ie: world wars, 9/11, the manufactured virus, riots, high profile deaths: think Epstein, George Floyd and Kobe Bryant are definitely planned events executed according to occult numerology. We are living in a satanic grid crafted by our controllers: the black coven of the thirteen Illuminati families.

What is mind boggling is the scale and the scope of the Luciferian globalist conspiracy against humanity. The cabal is like a gigantic octopus with its poisoned tentacles sunk into every facet and aspect of our lives. It is the Hegelian dialectic on steroids. To pull off a psyops takes a lot of people acting in unison. Politicians, police, doctors, nurses, lawyers, crisis actors, mass media, mayors and public servants have to be complicit for these ‘manufactured’ events to happen.

The attack on humanity is far from over – the beasts that look human are just getting started. They are making a ton of money out of our misery. The only reason the US stock market is doing well is because it is artificially propped up by the fed… printing and pumping trillion after trillions of dollars into the financial markets. The fat cats are getting richer and the divide between the ‘haves’ and ‘have-nots’ is widening exponentially. Soon the aid for the corona super cold will come to an end along with student loan relief, mortgage relief and the ban on evictions. Millions will be unemployed and unable to pay their bills. They will find themselves without a home – out on the street and adding to the burgeoning homeless population. No job and no home will lead to no food. Desperate people will take to the streets and just as planned martial law will become the ‘newest normal’ ...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>....