Further Reading

Saturday, 20 June 2020

YES, it’s communism we face, and the revolutionary playbook is unfolding right on schedule

[Natural News]: One of the primary ways to psychologically manipulate a nation into accepting communism is to divide people into classes and motivate these groups to prioritize their group identity over their individual freedom.

With individual freedom there comes opportunity, risk and personal responsibility that yields both consequence and reward. Freedom itself is the fairest concept, allowing each person to forge their own path, with various results. But there’s no guarantee of fairness in the result of our decisions, and there’s definitely no equality in the trajectory of our personal reactions, associations and beliefs.

In the inevitable disappointment and grief, we can choose to be a victim of circumstance, a victim of another group, or a victim of “systemic oppression,” an idea that has been planted in our minds. In this victim mentality, we cling to group oppression identity, pointing the finger. Collectivism is the practice of giving a group priority over each individual in it. If we choose to be a victim and succumb to this construct of collectivism, we invite the tentacles of communistic control to coddle us, to ultimately sink in and suck out the very essence of our soul....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...