Further Reading

Thursday 23 July 2020

Covid-19 - Classic Problem, Reaction, Solution in Action

Ask yourself this:

If, a year ago back in the halcyon days of NORMAL , the government told you that it had become mandatory to wear face masks to go shopping ... would you have accepted it?

Also, if you were told you could no longer go to watch your favourite football team, or hug colleagues and friends, what would your reaction have been?

Introduce Covid-19 and you are presented with 'THE PROBLEM' ...

Get the media to hype Covid-19 up to frenzy pitch so large numbers of humans are running around in blind panic ... looking at friends, family and colleagues as potential bio hazards ... coronaphobics everywhere in panic and rage mode ... 'THE REACTION' ...

Then they bring forth social distancing to break down human contact and condition you away from what was normal. Then, the condition you still further with the 'mandatory mask stepping stone' one more step towards their desired outcome, and a step further away from your normal life.

They pepper you with all kinds of horrific reports about Covid-19 to condition you for the eventual vaccine. They already have the vaccine, but they want you so DESPERATE that you will accept the vaccine when it's ready ... 'THE SOLUTION'.

If you'd been told you'd to have a mandatory, cell changing, dangerous untested vaccine a year ago ... you would never have even considered taking it ... but now ... ???

Game, set and match to the satanic 1% .....