Further Reading

Wednesday 29 July 2020

COVID Advances New World Order — The Empire of Billionaires

[SOTT]: The COVID-19 pandemic is being used to facilitate the efforts of a select few to create a one-world government with power concentrated in the hands of an elitist group of billionaires.

In March 2020, the United Nations New World Order (UNNWO) announced their annual International Day of Happiness global campaign, along with a call for solidarity and unity in the global fight against COVID-19.1 The campaign theme, according to UNNWO, was ... a call on all 7.8 billion members of the global human family, and all 206 nations and territories of planet earth, to unite in solidarity, and steadfast resolve, in fighting back against the COVID 19 Coronavirus ...

As the COVID-19 pandemic passed its six-month mark and the number of reported cases in some countries and states rose, the focus on a vaccine intensified, with numerous vaccine makers vying to be first with results.

That distinction came in mid-July, when the initial results from a clinical trial of a vaccine candidate developed by Moderna, sponsored by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, received a positive write-up in The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM)8 and pleased Wall Street.9

What's interesting is that Moderna has "never produced an approved vaccine or run a large trial," according to Stat News. Yet, it seized the COVID-19 opportunity10 and forged ahead. When you think about it, though, the exuberance over the vaccine candidate is irrational.

First, as with all vaccines, adverse effects can and will sometimes occur. Even fiercely pro-vaccine advocates have expressed concerns about possible adverse effects of a hurried-up COVID-19 vaccine.

From Bill Gates to Merck CEO Kenneth Frazier, to rotavirus vaccine inventor Dr. Paul Offit — who once held the Merck-endowed chair in vaccinology at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia — high-profile individuals are talking about it.

Offit expressed reservations about how fast the vaccine companies were pushing development of the vaccine, and warned of possible safety and efficacy problems that could occur from giving it to thousands of people "without a large safety and efficacy trial."

Frazier had similar concerns, with a more strongly-worded comment: "If you're going to use a vaccine on billions of people, you better know what that vaccine does." Along that same line of thinking is the concern — as with all vaccines — that the immunity and/or duration is not assured because the "immunity" is not naturally acquired....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...