Further Reading

Monday 27 July 2020

Here is How You Can Reprogram Your Life

[Wake Up World]: We are made of water. Well, mostly. Depending on how old you are and whether you’re male or female, you will be anywhere around 55% to 80% water. Even your bones are about a third water!

Water is a phenomenal and little-understood state of matter that has incredible properties. One of its most extraordinary abilities is how it can be programmed. That’s right.

You can literally program information onto water, using the power of your intentions.

Water memory is something that is increasingly understood by even materialist reductionists, although it was known about, and applied, for ages. More recently, Masaru Emoto had demonstrated that the very structure of water itself can be changed by what emotions and thoughts we are experiencing or projecting.

Emoto came to the conclusion that water molecules are like memory cells and record everything that ever happened to them.

This also ties into cymatics, which is a fancy word for the highly-elaborate and geometric patterns that sound waves make and can be seen in physical form. Patterns like those found on a turtle shell can be replicated by sending a specific frequency through a metal plate with salt on top of it. This, then, ties into sounds like Om, which is a Sanskrit intonation/symbol/letter first mentioned in the Vedas as being the primordial sound that created this universe. That’s how powerful sound is....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...