We got the NHS official web site figure for 'Covid-19 deaths with no underlying health conditions' slightly wrong last night when we said it was less than 4000.
It's actually LESS than 2000! Yep, the ACTUAL figure in the UK deaths due to the 'killer Covid-19 virus's is less than 2000 ...!!
Joe Sheeple and Glenda Sheeple, and other members of the 'Coronaphobics' ... think carefully about believing the MSM media deception about coronavirus. Think carefully about falling for the 'wearing a mask everywhere' bollocks that the WHO are pushing for. It's all deception ... the UK has approx 1500 people out of 66 million who've died due to Covid-19 alone. Getting a calculator out, that's 0.002272727% ... try it yourself if you don't believe me ....!
The grim figure of deaths according to the media is 44,517 ... but that includes Covid-19 RELATED deaths or those who've died due to underlying conditions. Don't forget the care home figures they conveniently added ... which is around 30,000 within that figure ... who were sadly going to pass due to their health conditions anyway.
So 'coronaphobics' are you happy that your freedoms are being taken away by a medical technocratic power grab by psychopaths like Mr & Mrs Gates? Because that is what is happening. Thanks to you, we are being pushed along the path towards mass human genocide ... and a control system in the UK like the one which exists in China? Happy about that Mr & Mrs Sheeple and the mask wearing coronaphobics???
Even using the 44,517 figure .... divided by 66 million (The UK populations) ... it's 0.06745% of the population ... hardly the ultimate death machine Covid-19 is portrayed at. SHEEPLES AND OTHER CORONAPHOBICS WAKE UP FROM THE BULLSHIT!!
Oh yes, tonight's magic random number to add to the Death mountain tally is 126 ... a meaningless statistic because out of the 44,517 tally are around 1500 ACTUAL COVID DEATHS ... which is the figure the likes of Shitty Whitty and co are hiding from you. so applying the 0.002272727% figure from above .... today's tally of actual covid-19 deaths (From the 126) is ... 0.286 people! Barely 1 person has died from Covid-19 alone in other words ....!!!
WAKE UP CORONAPHOBICS!!! Ask yourself WHY we are still under medical martial law (Lockdown) for a 'virus' that has killed around 1500 people? Is it because the government cares for you and want to protect you from the nasty virus? Or is it something more sinister ... wake up and smell the bullshit being sprayed ...the emperor does not have any new clothes (Read the fable of the emperor's new clothes to understand) .... when you wake up see for yourself the psyops exercise being undertaken ...