Further Reading

Thursday 23 July 2020

Insights For 2020 - 'On The Eve Of The Mandatory Mask Stepping Stone'

On the eve of the 'mandatory mask stepping stone' the evil boys & girls at SAGE decided to continue with their random number generator. Adding to their sick and twisted death mountain graph, by means of PHE deception - counting up how many of the positive Covid-19 'patients' who've since died ... but NOT of Covid-19! To then cruelly announce to the fearful coronaphobics of the UK ... the magic number for tonight of ...

... 'Five and Three' ...

.. that's another 53 to add to their bullshit statistic!

From tomorrow, C.R.A.P is going to be rife in every shop and every supermarket in the UK. For at least TWELVE MONTHS ... for the mandatory masks is a law that lasts for 12 months with a mandatory review in 6 months.

C.R.A.P being either Coronaphobic Rage, Anxiety and Panic ... or Coronaphobic's Rage And Panic ... which one is best? Both perfectly describe the reaction of the brainwashed and mind controlled human sheeples you see in supermarkets. Those who flinch when they see that you are not wearing a mask, when they are ... those who look at you with total fear in their eyes ... those who also mask up their children because they truly believe by walking past someone in a supermarket aisle they will get a deadly virus that will kill them.

Get real!!

So there we are ... tomorrow is mandatory mask day ... I have a bandana and a few exemption tags and things ... awaiting the delivery of my sheep mask ... and later next month my plastic visor. I fully intend to have fun with the coronaphobics. Not because I'm cruel ... but because the brainwashed sheep need to be woken from their slumbers .... !