Further Reading

Monday 27 July 2020

Insights Into 2020 - 'Amid Homo Sheeple and The Ancient Battle Still Raging'

The long climb over the peak of 'death mountain' is still happening! Another day in lockdown for the UK ... and another day closer to the PLANNED second wave. Something they've put in the minds of Homo Sheeple to reinforce the fear and compound the trauma based mind control still further.

And in all the villages, the towns and the cities of the UK most of the UK citizens have become HOMO SHEEPLE recogniseable by the telltale FACE NAPPIES. A once proud nation of strong people are now mind controlled and brainwashed zombies all set to walk towards the the end of the Homo Sapien race.

Willing participants in the mass enslavement program that has been planned. Once jabbed they become a corporate property. Their DNA will be re-sequenced and linked to the world brain computer. They will no longer be free ...

They will be traced and tested and their DNA sequences recorded and synthesized. Those amongst them that have a certain sequence will be murdered ... going down in history as another unfortunate victim of Covid-19. More 'useless eaters' helping to conserve the Oxygen and resources of the planet. No longer needed in the new world that the insane satanists are planning.

It's all about the demonised world elite's obsession with the 2nd coming and ancient prophecies. They know about the ancient bloodlines. They know also about the white skinned humans arrival from Mars. They know about the ancient wars to gain control of this planet. They know they are the imposters. They know all about the ancient genetic engineering. And they know also that the Earth is nothing more than real estate to certain races. When you buy land that has buildings on it that are not part of your plan for that land ... you demolish the buildings. Mankind is one of those buildings.

Sadly, the bigger picture will pass over the minds of most of the humans on this planet. They see only the trees .... Covid-19 and the generated anxiety ... the face nappies perfectly epitomise their stupidity.

Going around a local supermarket tonight, DEVOID OF FACE NAPPY, it was interesting to gauge the reaction of the Homo Sheeples in the supermarket. It an experiment in judging the level of Coronavirus Rage Anxiety and Panic there is four days into the mandatory face nappy shopping days  ... it's easy to ignore the anxious and panic filled faces that glance at you. It's great not to be part of that new race. It's great to see there are still members of Homo Sapien too, who also refuse to don the face nappy!

Tonight's magic number ... provided by PHE is TEN .... that's right TEN people who had tested positive for Covid-19 and later died of their underlying health condition ... but had Covid-19 placed on their death certificate. Ten people ... and they still are psychotically intent on keeping the UK in lockdown. Well, it is the sick elite's agenda ... make the useless eaters beg for the vaccine and a return back to their normal! It's never going to happen ... they are getting off on all this mind control.