Further Reading

Tuesday, 14 July 2020

Insights Into 2020 - 'Death Cult Kidology Continues'

And the magic number generated by the Sage Random Number Generator for today, a Tuesday, is 138. That's another doctored and fiddled number to add onto their death mountain  It's BULLSHIT that 138 further people died of Covid-19; they claim these are people who tested positive for Covid-19 who then died of Covid-19 related health conditions.

Underlying fatal health conditions took these poor souls ... not the infamous deadly virus known as Coronavirus. Many of which will have been pneumonia and influenza, which apparently you no longer die of! It's true corruption, especially in the light of the piece written by the Surrey Consultant.

Just to quote him again "Regarding death certification. All staff that are responsible for this have been encouraged where possible to put Covid-19 complications as reason for death, even though the patient may have been asymptomatic and also not even tested for Covid. 

I feel this simply amounts to fraudulently completed death certificates and has been responsible to grossly inflating the number of Covid deaths.The fact is that regardless of what you actually die of in hospital, it is likely that Covid-19 will feature on your death certificate.  

Remember Covid-19 itself cannot kill. What kills is complications from the virus, typically pneumonia like symptoms. These complications are in reality incredibly rare but have featured and a large amount of death certificates issued in recent months".

Pretty damning stuff eh coronaphobics and human sheeples who believe the utter bullshit out there; who've been taken in by the MSM and deep state psyops. Poor ewes (Soz, we couldn't resist that) ... you're easily brainwashed.

And happily masked now we would say ... and checking yourselves for yet another scaremongering by the death cult ... got any new rashes? You MIGHT just have Covid-19! A bit like someone we heard of today, who'd been in isolation since March, who'd not actually been out anywhere since December last year ... who wasn't feeling that great today. NO Covid-19 symptoms, just a bad stomach ... and the doctor over the phone told him he had Covid-19. WHAT? Without a test or an examination? That is how bad it is ...

WAKE UP CORONAPHOBICS BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE. You are being had by a very psychopathic group of people who won't stop this Covid-19 kidology UNTIL everyone has their kill switch vaccine in them ... and that won't be a good outcome.

And now the wonderful death cult Professor Graham Cooke, of Imperial College London announces that every single person who's died of Covid-19 - in post mortems 'showed very clearly' that every patient had some form of thrombosis - the formation of a blood clot in a vessel. REALLY? That's total MSM BULLSHIT.

Though it is good evidence that it's 60ghz 5G that's the real culprit as thrombosis is a recogniseable trait of the oxygen starvation caused by 60ghz 5G. But let's not go there ... THEY CANNOT SAY EVERY SINGLE PATIENT WHO'S DIED .. because that is blatant click bait sensationalism and very misleading. It's BOLLOCKS AND UTTER BULLSHIT.

Just more added to the pile that the poor coronaphobics will accept because the smell of bullshit has now become the aroma of truth for these poor brainwashed sheeples!