Further Reading

Saturday, 4 July 2020

Insights Into 2020 - 'Six and Four, 64 and Fearful Glenda Sheeple'

And, tonight's Sage Random Number Generator magic number is ... six and four, that's 64 ....

Another meaningless macabre magic number to add to their 'sick death mountain'; their fearmongering graph known as 'number of deaths per day in the UK'.

But what Confessor Shitty (Chief Medical Officer Whitty) doesn't tell you, as those awakened ones amongst us already know, as that this figure is NOT the deaths registered with Covid-19 alone. If it was then we'd probably have had 0 deaths registered for days or even weeks now. Instead, they provide a corrupted view of 'Deadly Covid-19' to substantiate this medical martial law the UK is under.

And sadly, there are numerous Mr & Mrs Sheeples in the UK. Plenty of Joe and Glenda Sheeples out there who believe that the emperor is wearing his new clothes. We've seen them ... like today in a local supermarket amongst the majority who've now rejected the social distancing, and happily mill around each other. Yes, there was a Mr & Mrs Joe Sheeple encountered when we were shopping. Glenda Sheeple had sheer panic on her face, and was spotted backing off from everyone passing her in the shopping aisle. At one stage she was using Joe Sheeple as a human shield to prevent the naughty virus from getting her! If she's that scared then she should stay at home.

But she sees the Emperor's clothes, like many others, and has fallen for the fearmongering myth Shitty Whitty and his death cult have created......