Further Reading

Wednesday 1 July 2020

Insights Into 2020 - 'Tonight's Magic Macabre Number'

So, tonight's 'Magic Macabre Number' is up from a week ago ... it's 176 ... and is the next meaningless figure added to the Death Cult's sick graph that records supposed Covid-19 fatalities.

When in truth its total BS .. as the majority of these are fatalities due to other causes, basically people who were going pass due to their health issues; who the Death Cult have added to their figures to boost the 'Killer Covid-19' reputation.

Wonder what the real figure is if they just reveal the ACTUAL FATALITIES CAUSED BY COVID-19' and don't add the deaths in Old People's homes?? Which is what they were doing at the start? We predict that the daily figures would be less than 10!! It's a real deep state scam that is happening.

We also would be interested to know the correlation between Covid-19 suffers/fatalities and those who had the Flu vaccination at the end of last year and early this year. Real figures and not the manufactured bullshit that is released through the deep state controlled MSM to generate fear and panic in the population.

Remember, be the observer of this and don't become the participant. They won't control you through fear as the observer.