Further Reading

Wednesday 29 July 2020

Insights Into 2020 - 'We Heard Bill The Devil Gates Is Getting Quite Annoyed'

And still the LIES continue, as the demonised death cult runs its agenda to scare Homo Sheeple witless. Driving in the nails to force Homo Sheeple to plead for their kill switch corporate slave making vaccine, THAT NONE OF THEM NEED!!

Bill 'The Beast' Gates has been ranting about fake information on his vaccines being released on social media platforms. He reckons in his crazy rant that the lies are what people hear first. Well, Crazy Insane Bill, what we've heard aren't the lies ... they are the true insights into your psychotic attempts to snare mankind. We've been aware of these plans for decades ... we'd also been warning folk on here that it was all going to start happening in late 2020 (About now); and we'd started these warnings back in 2017.

Bumbling Boris is playing his part to shit scare the UK's Homo Sheeples ... who's coronaphobia is really topped up these days. So much so, when an 'Anti-masker' like me, goes into a local supermarket (Lidl) to buy a few provisions, the Homo Sheeples even ACT like real sheep. They back off from you in groups and stare at your with petrified eyes ... their face nappies fastened tight to their faces. It's very much like entering a field where sheep are grazing, and then as one they all look up at you ... and move away together ... baaa baaa baaa.

Bumbling Boris is convinced a 2nd wave is coming. Is he going to feed us all with Aspirin like they did to try to cure the Spanish Flu in the early 20th century??? Check history ... the 2nd wave of the Spanish Flu ONLY happened when everyone was given Aspirin as the cure .... the 2nd wave did not happen like they are claiming a flu pandemic does ....

Everything about this 'Covid-19' is FAKE. Good on the oodles of people on social media refusing to wear masks or take the RNA jab when it's ready. Well done to the doctors who spoke out about the success of  Hydroxychloroquine to fight Covid-19 recently. The worm IS turning. We need to prevent what comes next; though for so many ... it will be too late, they are already lost to the coronaphobia and have know evolved into Homo Sheeple. Soon to become corporate property when they take the vaccine and its changes their DNA into a copyright sequence....

We heard today about a disgusting school teacher in a local school who has been putting microchips in school kid's arms without their parent's consent. It was apparently a leftie experiment to open doors and control computers with the inserted chips. It's going bad ... real bad.

And then we have Sage's random number generator to report on for tonight's corrupt figure for death mountain ....

.... it's eight and three ...

... that's 83 .... again, this DOES NOT represent Covid-19 deaths, although the media and corrupt Sage want you to think it is. In truth it is a figure that represents 83 people who supposedly tested positive for Covid-19 and then died at a later date of the health conditions they were going to die of anyway. PHE scours their database and uses their figures to bump up the deceptive daily death count .... it's BULLSHIT.

The UK is having a spike in infections and scientists say it could be the 2nd wave. IT'S NOT. Sage has deceitfully hidden the number of daily tests that are taking place. The daily test numbers have gone up significantly ... therefore as a direct result the daily infections will increase. AND, this deceitful practice is what's behind the localised lockdowns of certain areas of the UK. All by design. Something else is going down in these towns and cities .... something they don't want the general public to know about.

All of this Covid-19 madness is utter BULLSHIT.