Further Reading

Wednesday, 8 July 2020

Six months before the pandemic, Bill Gates negotiated a $100 million contact tracing deal with a democratic congressman

[Natural News]: Four months before SARS-CoV-2 began infecting the people of China; Bill Gates was busy negotiating a $100 billion contact tracing program to be implemented by governments and forced on all Americans.

On the week of August 12th to 19th, the Gates Foundation met privately with U.S. Congressman Bobby L. Rush (D-IL) in Rwanda, East Africa. The week-long event was underwritten by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund.

At the meeting, they discussed the rollout of wide scale contact tracing and negotiated which companies would get to cash in on the plan. They discussed how to contact trace all Americans, how to force them to submit to medical tests and accept vaccination passports in order to go about their lives.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation were preparing to test, track, trace, mask, isolate and corner Americans into forced vaccinations four months before SARS-CoV-2 arrived in China and six months before Bill Gate’s friends at the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a worldwide “pandemic.”

Bill Gates is the number one funder of WHO and has been parading media outlets calling for government surveillance of human movement and the need for elaborate contact tracing programs to enforce it. Among these tracing efforts, Bill Gates wants to enforce medical requirements and a “new normal” medical police state, complete with temperature checks that serve as a foothold into forced medical testing and isolation orders.

This “new normal” also includes monitoring where people travel and who they interact with, while forcing their contacts into isolation. It all leads to the rollout of vaccination passports that will serve as permission slips for people to gather, meet, travel, and interact. Corporations will be incentivized to participate or be threatened with litigation if they do not go along with a “safe, new normal.” ...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>>..