Further Reading

Tuesday, 14 July 2020

The Immeasurable Speed of Life

[Wake Up World]: The immeasurable Speed of Life travels faster than the speed of sound (spoken words). Most human relationships are expressed through words that have been given by others.

 In our fallen state when another speaks, the sounds of those words are transmitted to the instrument called memory. These words are traveling at the speed of sound when they reach the memory cells where they are immediately translated before a response is given. The traveling time between hearing the challenge, the interpretation and the response is at a speed that is not comprehensible. The completed cycle is not seen as a series of steps but rather as one uninterrupted phenomenon. This process is acceptable for utilitarian purposes but not for Living Relationship.

The interpretation of words is given by mind’s indoctrinated content, a content that has been given by others (family, friends, the educational system, government and social institutions). Those words are received at an unfathomable speed, thus giving the impression (illusion) that they are self-generated.

We have been subject to this mechanical process since millennia. Since childhood those past indoctrinated words have been accepted as to who we are. For the most part contemporary relationships are nothing more than imaginary beings (believing ourselves to being something we are not) expressing their master’s (Society’s) views. If this never-ending recycling process is left unchanged, then there is no Redemption (Awakening) for us....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...