Further Reading

Saturday, 11 July 2020

Why Empaths Are Struggling in a World of Masked Faces

[Waking Times]: We humans tend to get lost in the moment, forgetting about the events that brought us to the present, and neglecting to consider what impact the present night have on the future.

We see this happening now with Covid-19.

Here we are being team players in some weird game, going about with masks on, splashing hand sanitizer all over the place, and shutting down the economy, all the while hoping most to satiate those twin fears of death and rejection by the tribe.

Whatever pandemic narrative you subscribe to, all of the busyness about it serves to address only the present concerns of safety and conformity.

All of the effort that went into creating our communities has been forgotten, and any concern over long-term impacts are dismissed. It’s how we’re wired. All trees, no forest....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...