Further Reading

Wednesday 26 August 2020

Facebook Implements New Tool to Stop Popular Content from Going Viral

The globalist overlords are in panic mode. Developments like this mean that somewhere in their psychotic ranks there are creatures that are not sleeping very well. 

It's not that they have a conscience about what they are doing. 

No, it's because they know we are close to finding out the truth about their evil little plots.

[Humans Are Free]: To prevent another America’s Frontline Doctors-type video from ever going “viral” again, Facebook is reportedly piloting a new censorship tool called a “virality circuit breaker” that will nip “misinformative” content in the bud before it has the chance to spread.

Promoted by Casey Newton from The Verge, the pilot program builds upon suggestions made by the Center for American Progress (CAP), which put forth a “Fighting Coronavirus Misinformation and Disinformation” report highlighting ways that Facebook and other social media platforms can better censor content that they do not want people to access.

In the “Virality circuit breakers” section of this report, CAP urges platforms like Facebook and Twitter to “detect, label, (and) suspend algorithmic amplification,” as well as “prioritize rapid review and fact-checking of trending coronavirus content that displays reliable misinformation markers.”

These “misinformation markers,” the report further explains, “can be drawn from the existing body of coronavirus mis/disinformation.”

In other words, by spying on and surveilling coronavirus-related content that Big Tech determines to be “fake,” programmers can construct censorship code to sweep other related content off social media platforms to prevent it from spreading.

CAP is also suggesting new “scan-and-suggest” features for Big Tech to implement that would detect “misinformation” in draft postings that have yet to go “live.”

This would prevent content that Big Tech and the globalist overlords want to censor from ever even getting posted in the first place, let alone shared to the point that it goes viral....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...