Further Reading

Tuesday 18 August 2020

Insight Into 2020 - 'A Conversation With Fellow Face Nappy Free Shoppers, The Hoax That Is Covid-19'

Well the 'death mountain graph' has flattened out, and PHE is being disbanded. The so called rise in infections caused by the Coronavirus postive tests continues, as the seriously sick handlers of the UK Government led by the psychopaths Johnson & Hancock (And others) refuse to let the UK citizens out of this completely un-necessary lockdown.

The UK's pandemic ended in March 2020, with the UK Government declaring on their own website that the Covid-19 virus was not highly contagious. In the next few days after that declaration, they forced the lockdown on the UK. It's some serious shit! Especially when none of the financial collapse or the serious mental health problems or the unnecessary deaths, as a result, had to happen.

It proves without a shadow of a doubt that the UK Government DOES NOT care for its Homo Sheeple population. It is awaiting the signal from its handlers to slap down the guillotines to behead the face nappy wearing 'useless eaters' in a quarantine death camp somewhere, then burn the bodies ... adding the deaths to the falsely created Covid-19 death register.

There's only been 1388 actual Covid-19 deaths in the UK since the pandemic started ... with only 4 deaths occurring since mid June 2020. That's how seriously corrupt this entire hoax has been here in the UK.

Tonight's magic figure is a mere 4 deaths ... more deaths from anything other than Covid-19 added to their fake register ...

And on another damning note, on the Covid 19 testing ... basically even though positive test does doesn’t detect actual viruses; and even though a positive test doesn’t mean you’re infectious; even though a positive test doesn’t mean you’re sick, and even if you’re sick, a positive doesn’t tell you what you’re sick from; you will have your rights stripped from you and you will be incarcerated.

This is one of the most terrible hoaxes of all time.

On a brighter note, if there is one, I went shopping in our local supermarket without a face nappy ... letting the CCTV cameras clearly see I'm not a member of the 95% Homo Sheeples marked for slaughter ... and expected to be a lone shopper (I don't acknowledge the face nappy bearing herd as being a member of the same race as me anymore) and was pleasantly surprised. I spotted two other face nappy free Homo Sapiens, and during our fantastic conversation ... watched with anxiety filled eyes of the passing sheeples ... we spotted quite a few other Homo Sapiens in the store. It was wonderful to see so many Homo Sapiens. Let's hope it is a growing trend, as it needs to be! 

But it won't happen soon with the extent of the coronaphobia spread through the populace by MSM lies and government psyops and trauma based mind control exercises.