Further Reading

Friday 28 August 2020

Insights Into 2020 - 'Baa Baa Human Sheeple. The Big Bad Wolf Cares So Much For You'

We went into the sad and sorry world of the face nappy wearing Homo Sheeples twice today. Two local supermarkets. Two occasions we were the only non-masked normals in the store; aside from the staff. No, we tell a lie ... the second time round we met with two other non-masked normals, and were greeted with a friendly "well that's a rarity these days. To see a full human face in a supermarket."

It is a sad reality, but it appears in our local area, the fight is being lost. The Human Sheeples are willingly complying to the sleepwalk. The dark magic spell has them in its clutches, and they are unwitting participants in a black magic ritual that will demand blood sacrifices at the end. Theirs! And ours too, in the end.

But, from a bigger picture perspective, it's perhaps how we are meant to evolve spirituality? It's certainly a time loop. We've been at this point many times before. It's an impasse. Or a checkmate. The dark ones get humans to this point, but don't get any further. Yes ... they will role out the next version of mankind, 'Homo Electrus' for the want of a name. And Homo Sapiens, their last A.I creature, will be no more. Then in a thousand year or so, from now, humans will be back here again. And again. It's a software program FFS! It's not our natural state. It's not all there is out there. It's really not important how we die ... or when we die ...

Just lose your fear of dying, and this situation will wash over you. And you will be in control of your fear, and looking at the tens of thousands of zombie Human Sheeples, wearing their face comforters, with pity. They are lost. Only they can find themselves. No amount of providing the facts will waken them, they are too lost in the brainwashing.

On that sorry note, that of the brainwashing script. The black magic spell; the wonderful controlled UK MSM has the storyline of "The number of people testing positive for coronavirus has jumped by a quarter in the past week as government figures today revealed another 1,276 Britons have been diagnosed. Data shows there are now 1,173 new cases each day, on average - a figure which has surged from 992 last Friday, when 1,033 infections were recorded. More than 1,000 positive tests have been confirmed on 16 days this month, after a clear run of no four-figure days throughout June and July. And the Department of Health today confirmed the deaths of another nine Covid-19 patients across the UK, taking the official death toll to 41,486. It means the rolling seven-day average number of daily deaths has crept up to 12, after dropping to as low as seven last week".

UTTER BULLSHIT. Remember, that perhaps the most egregious misrepresentation of reality, though, is the media’s conflating a positive test result with the actual disease, COVID-19. These tests only test for the virus directly (PCR tests) or antibodies to the virus. The fact that a person tests positive does NOT equate to actually having the disease.

They’re infected, yes, but “COVID-19” refers to a clinical diagnosis of someone who exhibits severe respiratory illness characterized by fever, coughing and shortness of breath. If you’re asymptomatic, you do not “have COVID-19.” The worst that could be said is that you’re infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, but if you’re not actually ill, you do not have COVID-19.

The media is intentionally confusing a positive test result with COVID-19 to deliberately mislead the public into believing the disease is far more serious than it is. They know better but consciously choose this despicable practice. 

They refer to the positive test as a “case.” This is beyond stretching reality to suit their nefarious purposes. Again, a case is NOT a positive test result but, rather, a person that has a positive test result and is seriously ill. You would never know that by reading their articles

Rise above their brainwashing and realise its part of the psychological programming. The constant bombardment of the same energy vibration, will eventually make minds vibrate on the same energy wavelength. IT'S BOLLOCKS. It's better to think about the old nursery rhyme instead. Remember it ...

"Baa, baa, human sheep,
Have you got your masks?
Yes, sir, yes, sir,
Three boxes full;
One for the master,
And one for the dame,
And one for the little boy
Who lives down the lane"

It puts it all into perspective, as they are all players in a sinister nursery rhyme. The government is the big bad wolf ... pretending to care ever so much for the herds of frightened sheepies ....

Tonight's meaningless 'death mountain' random number is 10 .... ten more flu deaths, or whatever they are, that has been added to the corrupt 'UK Covid-19 deaths' stat. It's all bullshit. And nothing or nobody will convince us otherwise ... remember 'we can see what others can't see' and we are doing!