Further Reading

Thursday 20 August 2020

Insights Into 2020 - 'Cases Are A Lie. The Homo Sheeple Trampoline Dance. Throw Away Your Face Nappies'

So, the opening line of a UK MSM headline says: "Britain today recorded 1,182 more Covid-19 cases as government figures revealed the rolling average number of daily infections has risen slightly after dropping for four days in a row".

This is an utter lie. It is a totally misleading statement! When someone tests positive supposedly for Covid-19 they DO NOT IMMEDIATELY BECOME A CASE! A“case” is only established when a person has a symptomatic expression of illness and the presence of an identified pathogen that is known to cause such symptoms. Merely carrying a virus is not a “case.”

We also know that the Covid-19 'test' is actually a Coronavirus test and will detect the common cold and Influenza; more often than not AFTER you've had it; and it is very likely you are not contagious.

There's bound to be an increased number of people 'testing' positive when there is an increased number being tested. So this whole thing is the utter corruption we know that it is ... and is being used to sustain the NWO Lockstep ... and be used as the weaponry to create the 2nd wave.

We also know that the increases in health problems caused by prolonged face nappy wearing will be added as further proof of  'the 2nd wave'. So it's all round sick psychological warfare that is being continued. There are already numerous people on social media platforms complaining of respiratory issues being caused by face nappy wearing.

We have an EASY SOLUTION to solve those problems ... THROW AWAY THE FACE NAPPIES and don't evolve into the Home Sheeples that are the target of the sad sickos that have put us all in this house arrest.

And on the note of Home Sheeples and their continued use of their comforters ... the face nappy ... I went to a local supermarket, LIDL, and was the only Homo Sapien; the only face nappy-less person in a busy supermarket today. I was brazen and confident and found it really funny that the Homo Sheeples were practising their traditional dance in the store! They walk like defeated sheep UNTIL you get close up to them, and then they start the Home Sheeple Trampolining Dance to get out of your way, often backwards, sometimes sideways ... and they look so pathetic. They think they are going to catch Covid-19 off you there and then ... and their coronaphobia has them totally in its control. They have bought the fear totally .... and I have to say they are totally pathetic!

All this for 'a virus is that deadly that you have to be tested to see that you might have it' ...!

What's the words from that Homo Sheeple Anthem again?

A baa baa baa here, and a baa baa there. Here a baa baa. There a baa baa. There are stupid Homo Sheeples everywhere'!

'A baa baa baa here, and a baa baa there. Here a baa baa. There a baa baa. There are stupid Homo Sheeples everywhere'!

Another chorus for good measure:

A baa baa baa here, and a baa baa there. Here a baa baa. There a baa baa. There are stupid Homo Sheeples everywhere'!

'A baa baa baa here, and a baa baa there. Here a baa baa. There a baa baa. There are stupid Homo Sheeples everywhere'!

And tonight, the Sage random number generator has chosen the number SIX as the so called Covid-19 death toll for today. Remember that's 6 more people who haven't died from Covid-19 that have been added corruptly to the official UK Covid-19 death figure just because they tested positive at some point to a Covid-19 test. Or they chose a testing kit that was always going to give a false positive. The PHE have them on their database so bingo they have died from Covid-19 even if they were killed in a car accident or died from a brain tumour. Great eh?

It's all a huge hoax and it's also total BOLLOCKS.