Further Reading

Sunday 16 August 2020

Insights Into 2020 - 'A Homo Sheeple Convert and The Intelligent Virus'

It's looking like the UK is finally over 'Death Mountain' ... Sage's magic number for today (But bear in mind it's always lower figures at weekends) is 5.

Five unrelated Covid-19 deaths have been added to the official exaggerated figures ... with Covid-19 appearing on the death certificate even if they have died of a heart attack or a brain tumour.

Yes, it's true ... Covid-19 has so many symptoms these days ... if you get hit by a car you have Covid-19. If you have a reaction to anesthetic, it's Covid-19 that's caused it. If you have a terminal illness, it's not the terminal illness that took you over; it's Covid-19.

Total bullshit. YET, the gullible and trauma mind controlled UK Homo Sheeples are buying this ridiculous bollocks. One clear example is the fact that as shoppers you are meant to wear masks and those that serve you don't have to wear masks. But, when one of those shoppers goes to the pub they don't have to wear a mask YET those that are serving them have to wear a mask. WTF?? The lockdown 'guidelines' are crazy, and according to the guidelines/laws/rules, the government have acknowledged that the virus is intelligent. It's like no other virus known to man. It can judge social distancing and not infect someone if they are 2m apart in the Uk, and 1.5m & 1m in other countries; it can tell who is a family member or a friend etc ... the bullshit is endless.

We travelled to a local food warehouse today ... and entered the premise maskless ... everyone else was a face nappy wearing Homo Sheeple. Except the staff members! We found it very funny, and very sad at the same time. All these gullible morons in the UK populace who obviously have fallen for the government propaganda spewed out by the brainless MSM. Fools!

Then, we spotted a fellow maskless Homo Sapien! Yes, and she spotted us too. It was fantastic to talk to a normal human being amid the lost hopes that wandered the aisles like classic sheep in a herd. All three of us had suitable 'mask exemption badges' ... a few minutes into our conversation and a young woman interrupted us. She was wearing a blue surgical face nappy. She was asking me where I got my badge from, as she struggled wearing masks due to her asthma. Her daughter next to her clearing didn't like her Mum wearing a mask. I gave her the details with a smile. My job was done for the day! Another Homo Sapien will be walking into shops soon with no face nappy!

What a fiasco all of this is! We sat in the car watched tho security 'guards' at the entrance of a Morrisons store opposite us. It was like watching fascism in action. Everyone had to comply with their power mad demands. It is crazy!!!

And all of this for a virus that has a 99.7% survival rate! A virus less deadly than being obese .... YET this dumb government are handing out food vouchers to buy free junk food