Further Reading

Tuesday 25 August 2020

Insights Into 2020 - 'Human Sheeples Amid A Satanic Ritual. Psychological Dark Magic At Work Beware!'

Tuesdays have become the tradition with the psychotically sick ones at Sage to publish 'Covid-19 deaths' that are always higher than the weekend figures 'due to the catch up of death reports'. Well ... today's Sage randomly generated number is 1 and 6 ... that's SIXTEEN.

Which means sixteen people, with serious underlying health conditions, who took the corrupt and misleading 'Covid-19' test and went down on the PHE database as a positive, have succumbed to their underlying health conditions. NO Covid-19 deaths here to report ... it's more lies upon other lies. All part of the pantomime satanic ritual that we are forced to be participants in. The demonised loonies in the governments, who've been blackmailed by the likes of Mr 666 (Gates) and Doctor Death (Fauci or Whitty or both), have been instructed to get their populaces to wear the symbolic mask that is worn prior to the start of any ritual. A sick journey is now being created, a shift in reality, from the old normal as we knew it, to the totally SICK new bullshit normal they have planned for us. In all rituals there are sacrifices to those the demonised ones worship. It's obvious what is coming next ... either by kill switch untested vaccine or by a death squad beheading .... its on its way ... quarantine centres. A supposed rise in cases. A reason to send people to the quarantine centres ... and then masses of people not being seen again with their deaths attributing to a so called second wave of a fantasy virus!

Wake up Homo Sheeples whilst you can! Shake off the dark magic spell that has mesmerised you. Overcome the psychological mind games that bind you to the ritual. Wake up before it is too late. 

Britain is currently in Day 155 of its lockdown. Remember this was only meant to be for THREE WEEKS to help flatten the curve and take the pressure of the NHS. Well ... the curve is flat and the hospitals are empty. So why the 'fukc' are we still in this lockdown. Now the brainwashing is to help prevent a 2nd wave. They refuse to admit that lockdowns destroy immune systems and herd immunity capability. That means everyone is left like a listing ship awaiting the final wave that will sink it. Those who are only now coming out into the open after being shielded or scared to come out, have a screwed immune system. Those who are the willing sheeples wearing their face nappies because Bumbling Boris, or whoever, tell them too, are screwing up their immune system and their respiratory system. All as per the demonised ones plan. It leaves you dependent on a vaccination to battle the imaginary virus. That means the vaccine has to be imaginary to fight the imaginary virus.

In 18 years no safe coronavirus vaccine has ever been developed. The same labs that have failed finding something to fight the common cold, and concoct the poisons to combat flu, can't have suddenly found a vaccine for a virus nobody has proven exists.

It's all BULLSHIT!

Remember, they are doing more brainwashing by increasing the number of tests, which create more positives. But being positive does not mean you have the virus, or any virus ... plus there is no infection or contagion. A positive test does not make you a case. So the twats in the MSM are up to their fearmongering bullshit as per their handlers instructions.

Britain is being bullshitted by their newspapers, with utter fearmongering like "officials also confirmed another 1,184 people were diagnosed with Covid-19, pushing the daily average number of infections up for the fourth day in a row, from 1,043 to 1,056. There have now been more than 1,000 daily cases on 13 separate occasions in August". It's utter shite! 

Wake up Homo Sheeples whilst you can! Shake off the dark magic spell that has mesmerised you. Overcome the psychological mind games that bind you to the ritual. Wake up before it is too late.