Further Reading

Sunday 23 August 2020

Insights Into 2020 - 'It's Time To Laugh At The Homo Sheeples To Wake Them From Their Slumbers'

UK Lockstep day 156 and the sick ones at Sage report 6 more deaths ... not Covid-19 deaths, because nobody has actually died from Covid-19 alone for weeks and even then there has only been a total of 4 deaths since mid June 2020.

The sick ones also claim that Another 1,041 people have tested positive for coronavirus today bringing Britain's total caseload to 325,642. Which is UTTER bollocks. There are numerous people who are tested 'positive' more than once ... and testing positive is NOT a case. So this is the continuation of the same lies.

They are dawdling ... delaying this situation deliberately as we know. And we sense it is more sinister than awaiting a 'vaccine' for a hoax virus. There is a comprehension that UK hospitals will become quarantine and testing stations for the hoax virus ... when they decide to announce the UK is in the fabled second wave. Which it will never be ... as Covid-19 is a bullshit pandemic. Detentions centres are probably planned within the UK hospitals ... with access to the mortuaries to dispose of the beheaded sheep.

But, the poor lost Homo Sheeples will still buy the bullshit when it's sold to them. They are beyond rescue; we walked among the pitiful creatures again today; their face nappies across their mouths and noses, their pitiful looks when they saw us face nappy free holding a normal conversation with others like us .... face nappy free. It was pathetic to see so many lost to the myth ... it was impossible not to laugh at their ridiculousness. Their plight is a worry; not for us but for the herds of Homo Sheeples who face coronaphobic madness and its repercussions for the remainder of their pitiful lives.

Laughing at them may be the only way to wake them from their slumbers. Humiliation by normal face nappy free human beings ... Homo Sheeples are otherwise a lost cause.