Further Reading

Saturday 22 August 2020

Insights Into 2020 - 'Positive Tests Are Not Cases. The Saturday Shopping Experience'

Tonight's Sage's randomly BULLSHIT number, to perpetuate their insane hoax, is one and six, that's SIXTEEN ... and that's another 16 deaths that are not from Covid-19. These were unfortunate souls who 'tested positive' for Covid-19 but had other health problems, who were never to be taken off the PHE CV-19 database.

In other words more false numbers added to a totally falsified official figure, to help substantiate the house arrest, or 'lockstep' masterminded by some of the world's most psychotic, and demonised, people. Their latest bullshit is the outbreak of cases around the world, to further substantiate the economic collapses. Positive tests do not mean anything. They certainly are not CASES ... and the whole second wave bollocks is distinctly corrupt.

It is having the desired effect though ... Human Sheeples are very petrified and crazy creatures, and they are everywhere. They wear their pathetic face nappies and look at you with venom when you venture into their safe domains not wearing the submission ware. If you dare to enter a shop without a face nappy they treat you as vermin and as someone who has serious mental health issues. It's ridiculous.

On numerous occasions today, if looks could kill! Saturday's shopping is now very amusing, and an entertainment ... first, the vegetable shop ... as the only homo sapiens walking round normally. Face nappy bedecked Homo Sheeples refusing to walk behind, or staring across with open hostility in their eyes ... it's become a pathetic fact of life that you will be surrounded by brainwashed morons when going shopping.

Next, the food supermarket. At least there is now a growing number of face nappy free Homo Sapiens wandering the food aisles. At times, the shopping is as near to how it once was as it can be. But then those normal moments are ruined by Homo Sheeples wearing comforters walking the same aisle, until they spot a face with no face nappy then they turn around and leave the aisle to go round another way.

Then there are the open glares and the angry body language of Homo Sheeples who truly think they are the normal ones for following the herd, by wearing the face nappies that Comrade Alexander demands the Homo Sheeples have to wear.

And, it's only getting worse. Threats of further lockdowns and additional surveillance adds to the terror already being generated by this mighty hoax....