Further Reading

Friday 21 August 2020

Insights Into 2020 - 'The Sinister Plan'

The sinister death cult agenda continues. A UK national paper reports that today is Lockdown Day 151. We ask, locked down for what?

There hasn't been a serious threat from this Coronavirus yet ... its survival rate is 99.7% and it ceased being contagious in the UK since the UK Government declared it non-contagious back in March 2020, a few days before this Lockdown started.

There have only been FOUR actual Covid-19 deaths in the UK since Mid-June 2020 and the corrupt MSM continue with the government psychological warfare reports in order to keep the people as submissive as the blackmailed Whitehall psychopaths need them to be. It appears those loonies have shares in face nappies and the controversial vaccine.

But we suspect, alarmingly, this is far more about crashing economies, and getting the populace to take a dangerous vaccine. That's IF there really is a vaccine. It appears it may just be the smokescreen and the means for a bunch of really mentally ill crazies having their last laugh at the expense of the human race before the guillotine blades come crashing down on the necks of the human sheep.

It appears the push is to get us all stir crazy with fear; get us locked down for a 2nd time; and sell us the greatest lie that the 2nd wave is upon us due to the false positive tests increasing the cases of a non-existent virus. It's been a hoax all the way through from March 2020, all for this. To force us out of our homes and into quarantine centres. Once there, they can so easily say we sadly perished from the killer virus; away from our homes nobody can say other wise. Our headless bodies disposed of in mortuary ovens and our death just another victim of Covid-19. Yes. We suspect this is one huge human genocide..... on a gruesome scale. The sickos at the top of the financial pile are truly psychotic enough to do this type of thing!

Home Sheeples beware! Cast down your comforters (Face nappies) and realise you are under a black magic spell. Your participation in a sick satanic ritual is not compulsory. So a bumbling politician tells you to participate without disclosing what it is really about. Comrade Alexander is fully aware of the full agenda, and is all for it! He's as sick as they are. So is crazy Hancock and Shitty Whitty and all the others ....

Tonight's death mountain magic number is a mere TWO ... how can this be about this fabled virus any longer, if not at all ....!!! Realise this is all a hoax before its too late .... you are being herded towards the slaughterhouses .... and you are willingly agreeing to your demise ... wake up Homo Sheeples while there still is time ....