Further Reading

Saturday 29 August 2020

Insights Into 2020 - 'They Like Using The Number 12. Evil Hancock Hatches A Plan. The Destruction Of The Human Immune System'

So, the SAGE random number generator has picked the number 12 again. It appears to like that figure. 12 more deaths from off the false positive test register who've died from anything other than Covid-19; but now have Covid-19 on their death certificate.

It really appears pointless them keeping up this stupid death mountain graph as it's reporting total falsehood as we keep stressing.

And their other graph, the yellow one, that is misleading the Homo Sheeples into thinking there is a second wave of infections on its way, reported Covid infections are 14 per cent down on last week with 1,108 people testing positive in the last 24 hours. Again, another utter meaningless bullshit. All part and parcel of the great delay that is being played by the Death Cult to truly prepare the already shit scared Homo Sheeples for the day the mandatory vaccines are rolled out. The day that mankind begins to become corporate property as it's bodies will be ruled by patented DNA sequences ...

The evil Matt Hancock announced today the possibility of the winter lockdown from November 2020 to March 2021 because the equally evil SAGE are predicting 81,000 deaths. Something nasty is on its way for sure ... be warned Homo Sheeples ... be warned ... you're scared now, wait until the Big Bad Wolf, Comrade Hancock, has finished with you ... you will be petrified! Willing to accept anything he demands of you ... even if he were to tell you to dye you hair pink because it stops Covid-19 .... baa baa baa.

We went shopping again today, in two separate locations:

A baa baa baa here, and a baa baa there. Here a baa baa. There a baa baa. There are stupid Homo Sheeples everywhere'!

'A baa baa baa here, and a baa baa there. Here a baa baa. There a baa baa. There are stupid Homo Sheeples everywhere'!

And it was really unnerving to be the only Homo Sapiens in both locations. It was dumb zombie humans everywhere with their face nappies ... there were quite a large number clearly with breathing problems and developing respiratory problems. The great destruction of the human immune system is in full tilt.

Earlier today, an Australian friend who is a front line Doctor informed us that this entire thing stinks! Yes a front line doctor who finds it alarming that flu is a bigger killer than alleged Covid-19 yet there is still a lockdown for Covid-19! The truth is slowly coming out from members of the medical profession. But sadly not quick enough.

We'd hoped to have joined the wonderful protest down in London today. But were unable too due to other commitments. Never mind. There will be others.