Further Reading

Tuesday, 4 August 2020

Insights Into 2020 - 'Utter Corruption When The Government Themselves Admit Their Tests Are MIsleading'

Well, the psychopaths in the UK government are now really showing their true colours, and are sadistically bullying and attacking the Homo Sheeples with a sinister fear campaign. They have fiddled the figures to make it look like infections are increasing; and then using those fiddled figures to commence a systematic lockdown of numerous places in the UK.

But, the figures don't stack up as the hysteria is made to rise. All done in line with their script. Their end game is clear to see ... this is all a delay tactic until the date they announce their kill switch vaccine is ready. It is already produced and ready to be rolled out. It has been for months. But, they have to make sure they have destroyed the will of the herd ... and all of Homo Sheeples will line up for the DNA changing poison.

Today's bullshit number was eight and nine .... 89 ... NOT 89 Covid-19 deaths as they will claim. But 89 people who died of their health problems who were unlucky to have been tested by the bogus common cold/flu test, and found to be positive for common cold/flu, to then be put on the PHE database as a positive. Because of the corrupt policy, when they sadly passed of their health problem ... their death certificate will have cause of death as Covid-19. UTTER CORRUPTION!

Utter corruption as the government themselves openly admit more testing will result in an apparent increase in infection rates; AND they also admit the covid-19 'test' will show positive if someone has the common cold or flu.

This BULLSHIT is nothing more than state generated trauma based mind control. Sadly, so many former Homo Sapiens are falling for it, and are now showing utter compliance by wearing the face nappy in shops AND outside; though the latter is not mandatory yet. It is now too late for mankind ... and it's clear to see they have a planned agenda to follow when thousands start dying of bacterial infections due to the nappy wearing ... and when tens of thousands start dying due to the kill switch vaccine. All these forthcoming deaths, mine included and many of yours, will go down in history as Covid-19.

And in the years to come it will be seen as the first great Covid-19 pandemic of 2020. It won't be the last that's for sure .... the sick death cult now have the ultimate control mechanism.  Their live exercise ... the last few months ... showed them what morons most of mankind are ... !!!