Further Reading

Tuesday 25 August 2020

Leading corona researchers admit that they have no scientific evidence for the existence of a virus

My first words in the article are "buckle up, the shock will be intense".

What you will learn in this article is beyond your horizon. The latest information has the explosive power to uncover the greatest deceit against humanity. According to this information, every citizen should support the people who fought for this important information. It's finally out, all leading scientists on COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) have admitted that the scientific rules to detect COVID-19 have not been established.

The detection method of the PCR tests is completely meaningless. The reason for this is that PCR is extremely sensitive, meaning that it can detect even the smallest pieces of DNA or RNA - but it cannot determine where these particles came from. That has to be determined beforehand.

And because the PCR tests are calibrated on gene sequences (in this case RNA sequences, because SARS-CoV-2 is presumably an RNA virus), we have to know that these gene snippets are part of the virus we are looking for. And to know that, it is necessary to properly isolate and purify the suspected virus.

Four requirements made by Robert Koch that have to be met in order for a Microorganism may be called the causative agent of a specific disease.

1. Koch's postulate
• It must be possible to detect the microorganism in all cases of illness with the same symptoms, but not in healthy individuals.

2. Koch's postulate
• The microorganism can be transferred from the sick individual into a pure culture (isolation)

3. Koch's postulate
• After infection with the microorganism from the pure culture, a previously healthy individual shows the same symptoms as that from which the microorganism originally originated.

4. Koch's postulate
• The microorganism can be converted back into a pure culture from the infected and diseased individuals.

The leading scientists admit that none of them have isolated a virus! Torsten Engelbrecht ( award-winning  journalist) and Konstantin Demeter (independent researcher) asked the scientific teams engaged in the relevant work to which reference is made in connection with SARS-CoV-2 to prove whether the electron microscopic images depicted in their in vitro experiments purified viruses.

But not a single team could answer "yes" to this question - and no one said purification was not a necessary step. We only received answers such as "No, we did not receive an electron micrograph showing the degree of purification" (see below).

We asked several study authors, " Do your electron micrographs show the purified virus (an isolate)?" , and they gave the following answers:

Study 1: Leo LM Poon; Malik Peiris. “Emergence of a novel human coronavirus threatening human health” Nature Medicine , March 2020 [ Nature ]

Answering Author: Malik Peiris Date: May 12, 2020

Answer: “The image is the virus budding from an infected cell. It is not purified virus. "

Study 2: Myung-Guk Han et al. "Identification of Coronavirus Isolated from a Patient in Korea with COVID-19", Osong Public Health and Research Perspectives , February 2020 [ Pubmed ncbi ]

Answering Author: Myung-Guk Han Date: May 6, 2020

Answer: "We could not estimate the degree of purification because we do not purify and concentrate the virus cultured in cells."

Study 3: Wan Beom Park et al. “Virus Isolation from the First Patient with SARS-CoV-2 in Korea”, Journal of Korean Medical Science , February 24, 2020 [ Pubmed ncbi ]

Answer Author: Wan Beom Park Date: March 19, 2020

Answer: "We did not obtain an electron micrograph showing the degree of purification."

Study 4: Na Zhu et al., “A Novel Coronavirus from Patients with Pneumonia in China”, 2019, New England Journal of Medicine , February 20, 2020 [ nejm ]

Answering Author: Wenjie Tan Date: March 18, 2020

Answer: "[We show] an image of sedimented virus particles, not purified ones."

Note: There was no need to inquire about this publication, the authors openly admit "our study does not fulfill Koch's postulates"

What does that mean? In short: NOT A SINGLE KOCH'S POSTULATE WAS OBSERVED!

In other words:

That actually means that one cannot conclude that the RNA gene sequences that the scientists took from the tissue samples prepared in the aforementioned in vitro tests and for those that the PCR tests are ultimately "calibrated" for, belong to a certain virus - in this case SARS-CoV-2.

In addition, there is no scientific evidence that these RNA sequences are the causative agent of what is known as COVID- 19. In order to establish a causal connection in one way or another, that is, beyond virus isolation and purification, it would have been absolutely necessary to conduct an experiment which fulfills Koch's four postulates. But there is no such experiment,

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