Further Reading

Thursday 20 August 2020

SCAMDEMIC SCIENCE: Coronavirus “cases” are medically meaningless, yet being used to justify weaponized lockdowns to destroy humanity

[Natural News]: Notice how the mainstream media has stopped talking about coronavirus “deaths” and shifted to coronavirus “cases?” That’s because the term “cases” is a misnomer. Any person who tests positive for the coronavirus is now considered a “case.” So as more testing is being conducted, more “cases” are emerging.

But I’ve got news for the corrupt medical establishment: Testing positive for a virus does not create a “case” of illness.

As every doctor and virologist knows, a “case” is only established when a person has:

1) A symptomatic expression of illness
2) The presence of an identified pathogen that is known to cause such symptoms

Merely carrying a virus is not a “case.” If that were true, then the vast majority of Americans would right now be diagnosed with “cases” of influenza, and we would be in a media-declared influenza pandemic panic.

The viral strains that people carry without symptoms don’t matter much, it turns out. Most carriers aren’t contagious, and most pathogens are harmless or latent unless the carrier suddenly experiences immune suppression (from something like the extreme stress of losing their job, for example, or being locked in their own homes).

Running around the country with covid-19 tests and finding more and more people who carry the virus without symptoms is not legitimate medicine. It’s a scam. Or a “scamdemic” to be more precise. It does nothing for public health and is primarily used by the corrupt Big Pharma industrial complex to scam billions of dollars out of taxpayers by pretending everybody needs to be injected with high-profit vaccines.

There was a time, in mid-April, when the weaponized coronavirus was killing 1 in 10 people it infected, but as the virus lost many of its “gain of function” properties, it became far less lethal. This is called “host adaptation” and it’s a well-known phenomenon in virology....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...