Further Reading

Tuesday, 4 August 2020

The coronavirus response is pure state terrorism based on propaganda

[Natural News]: So who are the real terrorists today? They are those that seek to gain total power and control over all of us, and they are called the State. Politically speaking, the use of terrorism is a mighty weapon because it instills much fear into the hearts of man, and fear can drive the masses into panic and hiding, leaving the door open to tyranny. The ruling class fully understands this concept, and uses it as a psychological tool to control the people, and by doing so the terroristic state claims to be our protector and savior instead of our aggressor. Only a system controlled by psychopaths would use such a strategy.

Do not mistake anything about what is going on today, and do not underestimate the sinister aspect of this long planned and purposely-manufactured false pandemic. This is an act of terror that has been created for the purpose of spreading fear in order to gain more power and complete control over the world population. This is not only state sponsored terrorism, but is an active terroristic plot being accomplished by the state itself. The difference this time is that it is not cloaked in mystery or secrecy, there is no threat of bombs, and no group is claiming responsibility for this attack on humanity. It is terror by stealth alone, as this new claimed killer of the innocent is said to be a virus that has never even been properly or scientifically isolated or identified. No shot had to be fired in order to panic the masses, and all that was needed was a lie that could be easily sold to a population of pathetic brainwashed sheep awaiting their own slaughter.

This kind of terror relies completely on propaganda, and that propaganda must be constant and unrelenting so that the lower classes do not have any inclination or time for anything except concentrating on the illusion at hand. This strategy of the purveyors of terror is a clever scheme not because it is based on brilliance, but because it is based on the accepted destruction of the intellect of the herd. Once that has been accomplished, and it has been accomplished, the plan is easier to put into place. Confusion and fear are all that are necessary in order to complete the scheme....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...