Further Reading

Monday, 3 August 2020

The coronavirus vaccine is the “final solution” depopulation weapon against humanity; globalists hope to convince BILLIONS of people to commit “suicide-via-vaccine”

[Natural News]: Now we come to the real mission in the “plandemic,” the censorship, the banning of hydroxychloroquine and the silencing of America’s Frontline Doctors: It’s all about global depopulation via a new vaccine that’s designed to mass murder billions of human beings and sharply reduce the population of the human race on planet Earth.

Why else do you think they’re making it mandatory while granting the vaccine companies complete legal immunity from all liability? It’s because the vaccine is designed to kill human beings, not save them. Once people start dying, no one can sue the vaccine makers. That’s why they needed the legal immunity agreements in place before they launched the vaccine push.

The global depopulation agenda isn’t even a secret, by the way. Bill Gates openly talks about using vaccines to reduce the human population, and globalists openly admit they believe that if human populations aren’t sharply reduced, the planet’s biosphere will collapse due to carbon dioxide emissions, pollution and the frenzied consumption of natural resources.

Whether or not you believe that, they (the globalists) believe it. And they believe they must kill 90% of the human population in order to save the other 10%. Thus, globalists who pursue global depopulation see themselves as heroes of humanity, not mass murderers.

The real weapon in all this is the COVID-19 vaccine. Everything else was put in place merely to drive humanity to beg for it. The vaccine won’t kill instantly, of course. The first wave of vaccines might even be deliberately made “safe” in order to unleash a wave of positive press and convince skeptics to go all-in and agree to be injected. But by the time the second and third rounds of injections are being shot into people around the world, the vaccines will be sufficiently weaponized to cause autoimmune disorders and mass death upon exposure to a subsequent influenza or coronavirus strain that will be deliberately released into the wild.

Most people will die from a hyperinflammatory immune response. They will drown in the liquid in their own lungs, in other words, and many of those who survive will suffer permanent neurological damage that will make autism look like a walk in the park.

Ultimately, the COVID-19 vaccine is an IQ test for humanity, and anyone stupid enough to take it is likely to be removed from the human gene pool, exactly as desired by globalists like Bill Gates.

See, even globalists are tired of so many stupid people walking around on this planet, and they’ve figured out a simple way to eliminate the obedient sheeple: Push a mandatory depopulation vaccine and see how many idiots line up to take it.

Those who take the shot prove they’re too stupid to represent the future of the human race. As they die off over the next few years, they take their stupidity to the grave, thereby aiding the future of humanity by removing their own stupidity from it....<<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>....