Further Reading

Wednesday, 5 August 2020

The rule of law is dead: There will be no legal recourse for anyone injured by new covid-19 vaccines

[Natural News]: AstraZeneca is one of twenty-five pharmaceutical companies that are entering into liability-free vaccine contracts with governments around the world. These corrupt contracts give the vaccine maker legal immunity when their vaccines harm people, giving pharmaceutical companies power over the courts.

The rule of law is officially dead, as millions of victims line up to be injected by experimental inoculations where there will be no legal recourse for any vaccine side effect, reaction, disability, injury or death.

This is why effective treatment protocols are being censored online, why independent doctors are being threatened and fired when they come forward with treatment success stories. The situation must look as grim as possible. Covid-19 must have the highest of mortality rates and be perceived as a “severely debilitating” disease that no one is “immune to.” This is why there is no discussion on strengthening the human immune response, why there are exaggerated claims of ICUs filling up, and why there is constant media reporting of “hotspots” and “rising case numbers.” It’s all part of a big, desperate vaccine sell.

Because vaccine manufacturers like AstraZeneca are indemnified from lawsuits when people are harmed by the rushed vaccines, the rule of law is dead. It doesn’t matter if the vaccine injury causes sickness, neurological damage, seizures, autoimmune disorders, or severe and life-threatening reactions: The vaccine makers are free from judicial accountability. Their products will continue to enjoy licensure and market exclusivity, harming more people along the way. Some countries are setting up public funds to compensate those injured by the vaccines. These taxpayer-funded systems allow pharmaceutical companies to harm people carte blanche, all for the “greater good.”

It’s not just the vaccine makers that are corrupt to the core, criminal enterprises run amok. It’s the leadership of each country that is abiding by the vaccine maker’s demands. In their contracts with each country, AstraZeneca only agrees to supply their vaccines if the leaders of the country guarantee that they will be indemnified, barring any injured party from legal recourse if and when they are harmed by the vaccine. Most countries are succumbing to these demands, throwing away the rule of law and allowing a select few vaccine companies to rule over humanity, to reign by terror, and to maim and kill people at their own will....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...