Further Reading

Saturday 22 August 2020

Virginia’s State Health Commissioner Dr. Norman Oliver declares FORCED coronavirus vaccines for all Virginians

[Natural News]: If you’re keeping tracking of criminal, lawless medical tyrants who are looking to mass murder human beings with experimental vaccines, add Dr. Norman Oliver to that last.

He’s the State Health Commissioner of Virginia, and he has just declared that he’s going to force vaccinate every single person in Virginia with a coronavirus vaccine. Since all the vaccines are skipping long-term trials in a rush to market, forcing every citizen to be injected against their will is actually a violation of fundamental human rights as established under the Nuremberg Code of 1947, which prohibits medical experimentation on human beings.

Dr. Norman Oliver, it seems, wants to add his name to the dozens of U.S. scientists and doctors who have already been criminally prosecuted for crimes against humanity.

“…If we develop a vaccine that can prevent it from spreading in the community we will save hundreds and hundreds of lives,” Dr. Oliver told ABC 8 News. Of course, he neglects to calculate how many hundreds or thousands of citizens in Virginia would be harmed or killed by forced vaccinations. Nor does he acknowledge any basic human right to say, “No!” to an unsafe, experimental medical intervention.

The vaccine, it turns out, may very well kill more people than the coronavirus itself.

Dr. Oliver says he will only mandate vaccines that are “proven to be safe,” but he’s being deceptive, knowing that the entire medical establishment is utterly corrupt and will declare any vaccine “safe” if it earns sufficient profits for people in power. If there’s one thing COVID-19 has exposed, it’s the utter fraud, corruption and criminality of the CDC, FDA, WHO and science journals like The Lancet, all of which have conspired to deprive the American people of safe and effective treatments such as hydroxychloroquine while pimping dangerous, unproven experimental vaccines such as the new mRNA vaccine from Moderna.

It’s all about profit and power, not public health. And if Dr. Oliver isn’t smart enough to see the corruption right in front of his eyes, he’s not qualified to be the State Health Commission for any state other than a state of insanity....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>....