Further Reading

Monday 24 August 2020

What Are You Feeding Your Mind?

[Wake Up World]: Your mind is like a garden. Flowers won’t bloom if you feed it mental poison. What are you feeding your mind?

All sensory input we receive affects us, from major to minor ways. Everything from the music we listen to, to the clothes we wear, to the food we eat, it all affects us in more profound ways than we sometimes realize.

This is because everything has its own vibrational energy structure. If you are interacting with, engaging with, or exposed to something, you can bet it is affecting you either positively or negatively. You can also say that it is also either strengthening or weakening your energy field. Remember the basic principle of Reality: everything affects everything.

Mainstream consciousness, which goes along with whatever the latest popular music, movies, sayings, food, and digital content is, is not the only one that is feeding its mind mental poison. So-called alternative culture, in all its forms (especially the “truth” movement) will repeatedly feed its mind with dark, depraved, and dense content, all in the name of “researching” and “uncovering” the truth. While going down the rabbit hole and learning about how you are in a control matrix designed to manipulate people and use your energy for nefarious purposes is part of the awakening process, there is a point where you can come back up to the surface and get some sunlight....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...