Further Reading

Thursday 24 September 2020

Insights Into 2020 - 'Still The BS Continues'

So the UK is into its second 6 month block of the death cult's evil lockdown. The entire thing is clearly corrupt, and nothing to do with an alleged 'virus'.

Indeed, if a virus does exist, its what we have termed a 'placebo virus' - one which is a psychological weaponry, devised by a clearly sadistic and psychotic bunch of criminals. Covid-19 has a list of 'symptoms' that have been taken from all the common coronaviruses out there.

Convince a population enough, that if they have any of these common or garden symptoms, they have Covid-19. Then subject them to the 90% inaccurate test ... and hey presto they suddenly have the placebo virus in their heads. They may have normal cold symptoms in truth, but they will convince themselves it's Covid-19.

The UK government comprises a sick bunch of greedy psychopaths who are controlled by an equally sick bunch of greedy psychopathic scientists. All of them are out to make millions of pounds on the back of the totally unnecessary vaccine.

It is a crazy state of affairs, with the fear and panic level up ultra high now. Everyone is expected to wear face nappies in all shops, even though the face nappies DO NOT WORK. They are not necessary anywhere with Covid-19 being a hoax. Today I was the only person walking round our local supermarket not wearing a face nappy. Earlier, we'd gone for a walk in our local area, and a women spotted us about 150 yards away; she donned her face nappy and proceeded to walk sheepishly past us when we approached her. What has the world come to when crazy brainwashing is happening everywhere?

On a final note, we've not visited any MSM web sites or watched the news in the past week; it's a relief not to be reminded of the total bullshit that is out there. Things are going to get a lot worse because the gullible and mesmerised Homo Sheeples are believing the bullshit. But there is now a avalanche of opposition to the UK government happening. Hopefully it will have an effect soon.