Further Reading

Wednesday 16 September 2020

We know the risks of Covid-19... so why do power-hungry ministers still treat us like children?

[Daily Mail]: Are we heading for a second wave of Covid-19 as gruelling as the first? Not according to unidentified government officials quoted in yesterday's Mail.

During an off-the-record briefing in which comments weren't attributed to individuals, experts suggested the second wave won't be nearly as bad as the first. This is not a view openly expressed by the Government.

The officials believe that a combination of local lockdowns, social distancing measures and medical breakthroughs will substantially reduce both the death rate from Covid-19 and the number of cases over the coming months.

If the experts are right, this is fantastically good news. Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty, for example, has previously warned that a second wave might be worse than the first.

On April 30, he said it was 'plausible for a second wave to actually be more severe than the first if it is not mitigated'. Covid-19 was 'a very long way' from being finished off and 'eradication was technically impossible'.

Somehow Professor Whitty's pessimism of a few months ago has given way, if not exactly to optimism, then to an appreciably less apocalyptic view on the part of government experts.

Of course, the scientists could be wrong. They have been on several previous occasions.

But even a casual look at what is happening in some European countries suggests the disease is less lethal than it was a few months ago....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...