Further Reading

Wednesday 23 September 2020

Will we have any freedoms left when (and if) this pandemic ends?

[Natural News]: Although many people have been returning to school and work recently and starting to move about with fewer restrictions, there is no denying that life has changed significantly from how it was before the pandemic.

Yes, it’s still strange to see everyone around us in stores wearing a mask. But one of the most worrying aspects of all this has been how the pandemic has been used to strip us of our freedoms. Of course, no one wants to spread this disease to vulnerable people, but where does all this stop?

A document from The Rockefeller Foundation has been a topic of discussion recently in some circles on account of how eerily it seems to predict the situation we are now finding ourselves in. Of course, much of what we are dealing with is to be expected with a global pandemic – and it is something that health experts have been warning could happen for many years. In fact, it was considered so likely that lots of simulations have been carried out to figure out how society might handle such an incident.

But the “Lock Step” scenario described in the Rockefeller Foundation’s “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development” takes this a lot further than your typical hospital response simulation, outlining a scenario of martial law in the wake of a pandemic where everyone willingly gives up sovereignty in the name of protecting health until civil unrest grows to the point of taking down governments. It’s just one of four potential scenarios described in the 10-year-old document, but it’s a chilling one.

It refers to a theoretical new flu strain originating from wild geese that quickly overwhelmed even the most prepared countries, infecting nearly a fifth of the global population and killing 8 million people, including many healthy young adults....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...