Further Reading

Friday 2 October 2020

A Message To The Homo Sheeples

 Are there any scared Homo Sheeples reading this? Let me assume there are. SCovid-19. They are playing on your anxiety and fear at the moment, knowing how you will react when their pretty graphs show that Public Enemy No1 (Covid-19) is supposedly wreaking havoc in our lives. WELL ITS NOT ...

 They are manufacturing the figures. They have a corrupt testing system that concentrates on +ve tests that ARE NOT CASES.

Their end game has always been their deadly vaccine. Very soon we will never be allowed to go anywhere without their digital control systems ... you will be eternally wearing your face nappies everywhere you go ....

 And the government will only get worse. Their dictatorship hasn't even started ... yet.

You really need to turn off the TV. You really need to stop listening and reading the MSM. And most importantly ... STOP WEARING YOUR DAMN FACE NAPPY.

So independent research away from government controlled sources ... and see for yourself the hoax this is. BEFORE ITS TOO LATE!