Further Reading

Tuesday 27 October 2020

Another Interlude - 'The Realisation Of True Power'

 Covid-19 is a hoax
A psy-ops for the fear it invokes
Covid-19 is a deliberate deception
Mind control, to increase the subception
Psychopaths planned the entire charade
Maximum impact to make humans afraid
The fear of death and dying
The ultimate means to force them into complying..

Mankind like sheep herded into compliance
Most of which unaware they can say NO in defiance
As sovereign beings of the land NOT the sea
As human beings they have the natural right to be free
But the programming by fear has a hold on their minds
Realisation of self love unbinds
Compassion and empathy their true power
The weapons to bring down the 1% in their pyramidal tower!

© Matthew James 27-10-20