Further Reading

Sunday 18 October 2020

Even WHO Officials Now Admit Lockdowns Are Extreme Policies With Disastrous Results

[Humans Are Free]: Last week, Dr. David Nabarro from the World Health Organization admitted that lockdowns have been devastating for much of the world, noting that “Lockdowns just have one consequence that you must never, ever belittle, and that is making poor people an awful lot poorer.”

These latest admissions from WHO personnel represent a grudging admission that the health officials acted without evidence or a consideration of the costs when they demanded lockdowns with little regard for the effects.

This should not be interpreted as an about-face, however. We shouldn’t expect any officials to actually surrender their prerogatives to coercively shut down economies and force people into their homes using police and military personnel.

Bureaucrats, of course, relish this sort of power.

Back in March and April, governments within the United States and across the globe seized vast new emergency powers for themselves and imposed nationwide “lockdowns” and stay-at-home orders.

The refrain was “15 days to slow the spread.” But, of course, the lockdowns did not stop there.

Slowly, the idea that lockdowns could prevent hospitals from being overwhelmed changed into the false notion that lockdowns can somehow make diseases disappear.

The press was using headlines saying lockdowns “beat back” the disease, and reporters were claiming social distancing would “stop this virus.”

Other government “experts” and pundits were claiming that lockdowns could never be lifted until a vaccine became available.

Anthony Fauci, for example, claimed that no easing in lockdowns could be allowed until there were “essentially no new cases, no deaths for a period of time.”

Given the widespread problem of false positives, what this really meant is that lockdowns can never be scaled back.

If nothing else, the experience illustrates the dangers of allowing medical doctors and epidemiologists to control public policy.

These “experts,” who apparently have little to no knowledge of how economies work or how laws are enforced, became obsessed with the idea of addressing a single disease while ignoring virtually all other considerations.

These scientists demanded that entire societies embrace radical, bizarre, and experimental tactics that were unproven and had long been dismissed by previous researchers as too costly.

Unfortunately, many politicians listened, and the cost in human lives and poverty will continue to grow....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...