Further Reading

Friday 9 October 2020

The Coronavirus Psy-ops - The Two Choices

 HOMO SHEEPLES ... can we have your ATTENTION please? Just for a moment. This is REALLY important in the worsening current circumstances.

The STARK REALITY is that you have two choices; and two choices only. You either continue to take part in this worldwide PSY-OPS operation ... this project fear; this illusion; this incredible lie ... and let yourselves be destroyed economically, mentally, physically and then cease being a human when they inject you with their experimental vaccine. 

A vaccine THEY ALREADY HAVE. A vaccine they know damn well what it does ... a vaccine that will make you part of their sinister and evil transhumanism experiment. Which has always been their end game in all of this.

So that's choice one ... believing The Coronavirus Psy-ops and continuing to the brainwashed and mind controlled. A choice that will NOT have a good outcome.

Or you have the other choice ... and that is take a leap of faith; break out of the ignorance and apathy you find yourself surrounded by, which is the hypnotism the psy-ops has created. Break the spell and join the growing number of human beings who are now doing their own research; who are ignoring the government and the MSM propaganda. This choice will enable you to grab back your sovereign life form status and help prevent the eventual extermination of mankind!

It may be hard at this moment to believe there is no virus ... their psy-ops is very convincing. But once you become aware of the cracks and the lies and the falsehoods for yourself ... you will never wear a mask again!! You'll be cured of your coronaphobia, which is a symptom of the trauma based mind control linked to the psy-ops .... !!

Good luck.