Further Reading

Friday 9 October 2020

Understanding Negative Emotions

If you view the governments, law infringement, Big Pharma, MSM as THE ENEMY, you won't be far wrong. It's exo-politics that controls this planet. We the people are under attack, and this is World War Three. It's a psychological war and Covid-19 is nothing more than a devious Psyops.

[Wake Up World]: In recent times, it has become clear to millions of friendly earth inhabitants that the bodies we have looked to for guidance in the past, are as corrupt as the day is long. We are now starting to accept that our governments and their minions, the religions, the lawyers, and the pharmaceutical companies and food manufacturers neither care for us or about us. The purpose of their existence is to make money for interested parties and gain power, at whatever costs they can get away with legally.

Previously, with our heads buried in the sand, we were unable to see the true global situation unfolding (or unprepared to admit it) and most of us chose to stay a little too long in comfort under the hazy, drug-like veil of ignorance that until recently, was exclusively available to all Westerners. As a result, profit-based inhumanity has skyrocketed all around the world.

With the gap between ignorance and truth wider than ever before, when the jolts came that shook so many out of their unconsciousness, the contrast sent many people into a spin that they have not yet recovered from.

It is now becoming apparent that our ignorance costs us way more than money....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...