Further Reading

Monday 2 November 2020

‘CommonPass’: New COVID-19 Security Measures Will Make Health A Prerequisite For Travel

This is one of the numerous FEAR NARRATIVES that have been released by the Cabal's puppets in Silicon Valley, and other places, to SCARE THE SHIT OUT OF YOU. They know fear is like the electric fence to sheep. As Homo Sheeples believing these fear narratives, humans GIVE THEIR POWER AWAY! 

It's time to forget the sheep in the field, and head for the hillside as the free thinking GOAT! If we refuse to consent to their fear narratives in sufficient numbers then the vibration of the human collective shifts to a level their Alien Intelligence technology cannot reach. Be compassionate. Be peaceful. Retain the love of the true self and you get through this. 

There will be casualties and their will be some succumbing to the fear narratives. But as a species WE WILL WIN THIS WAR. WE WILL DEFEAT THE Alien Intelligence behind all of this. Read on ... without fear. It is a concocted ideology they wish us to fear into existence:

[Waking Times]:Imagine standing at a TSA security checkpoint on your way home for the holidays. You’re getting ready to go through the awkward travel procedures instituted almost immediately after 9/11 when the Transportation and Security Administration (TSA) was created and air travel in the United States morphed into a search and seizure operation with the implied possibility of your detention and interrogation.

The initial outrage such expressions of implicit state violence caused early on eventually gave way to begrudging acceptance. But now, a new layer of “security,” that could restrict freedom of movement even further, is being rolled out at several ports of entry in partnership with health technology industry leaders, academic institutions, and government health entities in more than three dozen countries.

A new digital certificate called CommonPass, designed to serve as a clearance mechanism for passengers based on a health diagnosis underwent its first transatlantic test on October 21 under the watchful eye of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) at Heathrow Airport in London. There, a group of select participants embarked on United flight 15 to Newark, New Jersey after being screened and tested for COVID-19 at the point of departure in a largely ceremonial exercise that included initiative co-founders, Paul Meyer and Bradley Perkins....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...