Further Reading

Wednesday 25 November 2020

Communist China says all humans should be marked, tracked to prevent spread of Covid-19

More out of the project fear storybook. Fear narratives are out there to perpetuate the psy-ops.

[Natural News]: Xi Jinping, the communist dictator of China and personal pal of Joe Biden, is absolutely thrilled that his country’s latest coronavirus release was a success in shutting down the world and destroying the global economy. And the next step, he says, is to implement a global QR code system to mark and track all humans, giving authoritarian governments like his own the ability to restrict travel if a person is deemed to be “infected.”

During the recent G20 meeting, a who’s who of globalist world leaders, Xi openly called for a “global mechanism” to verify the “health status” of all people on earth. In order to travel, those living in the new world that Xi envisions will have to get “permission” from the government in order to move about, much like cattle that have to be punched with ear tags before moving from pen to pasture.

By adopting “internationally accepted QR codes,” Xi contends, globalist dictators like himself would be able to easily pull up “nucleic acid testing results” on people in a hot second. Automated systems probably run by artificial intelligence (AI) would then issue either a “pass” or “fail” result depending on the “infection” status of the human cattle in question.

“We need to further harmonize policies and standards and establish ‘fast tracks’ to facilitate the orderly flow of people,” Xi stated at the elitist gathering. “[We] hope more countries would participate.”

Much like the bar codes that are currently present on food items at the grocery store, Xi’s human bar codes would be issued to all living persons, first to their mobile devices and eventually directly into their skin, presumably in either the right hand or forehead. Scanning devices would be able to read these bar codes in order to process the human cattle through the system.

Communist China already launched this type of system back in February, it turns out. Chinese human cattle are now issued traffic-light style health codes that determine whether or not they are allowed to travel. A green code means they are “free” to travel, while orange or red means that a human livestock head must first quarantine for up to two weeks...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...