Further Reading

Friday 27 November 2020

Global Vaccine Passport Will Be Required For Travel

One of the many FEAR NARRATIVES. It only happens if we let it happen. It's our power that creates it; we are being forced into this pathway ... they need our power to achieve this; our thought form creativity. So few homo sheeples are aware of this truth.

[Waking Times]: Around the world, there’s considerable resistance against mandatory COVID-19 vaccination, but even if the vaccine ends up being “voluntary,” refusing to take it will have severe implications for people who enjoy their freedom.

For months, the writing has been on the wall: Forced vaccination is part and parcel of the plan to “reset” the global economic system, forever altering life as we know it along the way. Now, global vaccine passports are in fact being introduced, and it’s only a matter of time before vaccination status will be a prerequisite for travel.

Just how voluntary is it if you have to have the COVID-19 vaccine if you ever want to leave the country — or perhaps even state — in which you live, at any point during the rest of your life? ...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...