Further Reading

Tuesday, 10 November 2020

Sharing an Experience with Someone You’ve Lost

[Waking Times]: The loss of a loved one from our lives is most likely the most painful experience we encounter on our journey through this world. Our heart wrenches painfully when we recall them, because we simply miss them so very much. Even as the shock of them passing begins to fade slowly over time, their absence from your life never changes. You long to share things with them again: a meal; a dance; a walk along the beach. If only there was a way to bring them back to you, even for a moment, to be with them would be more than you could ask for.

What is it about them that you miss the most? Was it their smile? Their laugh? The silly jokes they told? Perhaps it was their voice or the way only they could understand you when no-one else could? All these things that made you love them so very much – they are the things you miss. Although their physical being was special too, it was their energy, their spirit, the essence that came from within them that you miss most of all.

What if there was a very simple way to recall that essence? To bring that energy that you miss so terribly back to you for a little while?...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...