Further Reading

Saturday 21 November 2020

Taking Out The Trash

[Waking Times]: Crazy times, folks. It seems we have entered the twilight zone. A twisted ‘whirled’ of extreme polarisation and conflicting value systems. A world where hate is palpable on both sides of the polarity check point. The orchestrated drive to cause division on all fronts: racial, gender, political and religious should come as no surprise to those on the spiritual path. The energy of the old Piscean Age is dying and the unplugged are fighting against the rising tide of the new Aquarian Age.

All hell is breaking loose. Riots and violence abound, food shortages, lockdowns, extreme weather and disease runs the show, and as life goes down the pan our deep seated prejudices and self preservation instincts come to the fore. Survival instincts that are deliberately inflamed by our dark rulers, the charismatic negatives that are desperate to keep control of a dying paradigm.

Humans are programmed for conflict. We all have a Jekyll and Hyde blueprint – a Mr Nice and a Mr Nasty sharing the same space. Every one of us is subject to positive and negative forces invading our minds and playing havoc with our lives. The polarity struggle becomes obvious when we check in on our own internal dialogues. We all have a Gollum sharing our awareness, and sometimes it is uncomfortable to monitor our thinking…. and what it reveals about the state of our consciousness.

Since our tribal, inclusive reality was ripped away from us, we have become debt slaves, caged in concrete and glass, divorced from the living reality of nature and immersed in the grossest of materialistic culture. Humanity is enslaved in a model that feeds on itself from micro to macro. From the pimp on the street corner to the highest echelons of government, we are controlled by a mechanism that enriches the elites and throttles the poor. It really doesn’t matter who is in control. Our rulers are corrupt. All the top brass are carrying out a gematria based occult agenda for world domination, and a new digital dark age....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...